13 things I could live without but thankful that I don't.
CoffeeI did not take any coffee camping with us, I figured I could go with out. Lets just say I am thankful there was a store that had coffee close by.
Water pressureThere is nothing worse than a slow trickle of water coming out of the shower head when you really need to take a shower.
ComputerOh computer how I love thee. You help me find information so easily. You keep all my
cyber friends in touch. Friends are hard to come by for people who write bad poems to their computer and how they are loved so much.
MusicMusic soothes my soul and puts me in a good mood. I guess it would be my family who is really thankful I have my music.
BooksI love books. A good story to escape to is something I treasure. Books that about other people's life journeys and inspirations. Books give me hope and free my mind. I love my books.
Running WaterRunning water is the best. When I have to keep the kids and myself clean using a bottle of water or a water pump, I really am thankful for those little knobs that say hot and cold.
Baby WipesI know some think using washcloths and more organic alternatives to baby wipes are better. Maybe they are but I am thankful to have sweet smelling cloths at my disposable. From cleaning up the kids to the fast dusting I have to do when unexpected company is coming over. I am thankful for baby wipes.
CrocsThere may be a few people who have a dislike for these rubber like shoes. I think they are the best kid shoes ever invented. The kids can wear them anywhere. Kids can get them wet, muddy, or slop them through swamp water, these shoes will come clean.
Crocs dry in an instant. They never rip. Sure Uncle Bob may not be a pillar of fashion as he wears his red
Crocs with black socks and plaid shorts to the family BBQ, but for kids they are the best.
Mom BlogsSince I became enthralled with the blogging world I have really come to enjoy Mom Blogs. I have learned so much about being a mom and raising a family. I have learned how to make the coolest crafts and projects, frugal meal ideas, and a lot of humor. I enjoy the journeys of faith, life tips, and the adventures of Mommy hood.
Ethnic FoodI love ethnic food. Arabic,Mexican,Chinese,Greek, the list goes on. I am thankful to live in an area where all these food choices are readily available.
Sweat PantsI really don't care about fashion when it comes to sweat pants. I love them. You can't beat a well worn soft pair of sweat pants. Especially after you have eaten a mountain of ethnic food. (see #10)
My CameraI love memories. I save anything that may have good memories attached. I take tons of pictures. If you look through my photos for instance you will see many pictures of my kids on Halloween. Same poses same backgrounds just different costumes. I cannot bear the thought of not capturing the moment even though I have a box filled with basically 400 of the same pictures.
Plastic Drinking CupsWhen I was a kid I had a problem drinking out of drinking glasses because of the lip marks that were left on the glass after I took a drink. I insisted on always drinking out of plastic cups. This weird quirk has
followed me into adult hood. I must have my plastic drinking cup.
Thursday Thirteen