Thursday, October 2, 2008

What About This Guy For President?

"I earnestly pray that the people who make up the moral constituency in our politics will show the faithful courage their leaders do not. To do so, they must declare their independence from a two-party system that offers no choice but for evil. They should 'seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,' actively looking for the candidate who most effectively stands for His will. When they find such a candidate on the ballot, they should vote for him or her. When they know of such a candidate, though not on the ballot, they should write in the name. If in some states they are not allowed to do so, they shouldn't wait until Election Day to make a good old American fuss about this infringement of their voting rights. They should not settle for less than what they know is right for their country. Why? Because they love their country, and because they love the Creator God who made them free. And most of all because the Good Neighbor who suffered and died on the Cross to save them from death and sin is not willing that our nation should be lost to a 'choice of evils' because those who profess to follow Him will not show in their love of country the same sacrificial love that He showed on Golgotha, and still shows for all of us." -Alan Keyes


Allison said...

Thank you for this....a charismatic speaker, who happens to speak FOR The Truth.

Ginny said...

I so hate this election...

Soul Pockets said...

Me too Ginny.

Marie said...

I think it is the length of your elections that get's wearying. We wouldn't stand for it here...we think 3 months is too long lol. Heaven knows how you all stand it!

Peace & JOY to you:)

Marie xoxooxo