Thursday, August 14, 2008

Body Mind and Soul

Three days ago I started exercising, eating foods that are good for my body and have used prayer as my focus. I am happy to announce I have lost three pound, and the feeling of wellness is starting to occur

I want to be healthy mind, body and soul, these are not quick easy fixes, but nothing easy has ever worked for me in the long run. If I change the outside but neglect the inside I will never be whole.

A friend of mine has a great blog about weight loss, but it is more than that. It is about real people dealing with food, dieting, body image and spirituality. The blog is called In God’s Image. The writers on the blog have inspired me to take my whole being along on my spiritual journey through this life.

With God as my focus anything can be accomplished and for all the right reasons.


Cathy Adamkiewicz said...

Thank,Kelly! What a beautiful tribute to what Kate and I are working to accomplish. I'm so excited to hear that we are helping you on your journey.

But I must add, you are GORGEOUS just as you are.

Cathy Adamkiewicz said...

One more thing! I've added an email notification button to the blog -- I hope you'll click!

Soul Pockets said...

Thank you for the compliment Cathy. I will defiantly click!

Melissa said...

congrats on the three pounds!!!!

Kate Wicker said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. Let's help one another make peace with our bodies.


Chris said...

Good job. Keep up the good work. You will feel better in the long run. I made some diet changes as part of my new year resolution and just this last weekend I started jogging. So far I have dropped 2 pant sizes since January. I don't have a scale. I had an eating disorder many years ago and am trying to keep my focus on health not weight.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful site thanks for introducing it to me!

Congrats on your 3 pounds!