In My Life This Week...
We had the supposedly big snow storm this week. I wrote about surviving the Snowpocalypse HERE. My husband didn't go to work on Wednesday because of the road conditions. (He works an hour away) We had a nice day of relaxing together as a family. I am on the 3rd week of the work out/diet challenge. I have been doing the best I can with that this week. I can't wait to find out the results at the end of the 5 weeks!
In Our Homeschool This Week...
We are continuing with our narration. We do oral narration with literature and the older kids have been writing their history narrations. They write so much more than what is asked of them in the review questions. I have also learned that the next day when I ask them to repeat what they learned the day before (without looking at their writing) they remember!
My first grader is all about learning to read. We are still working with Alpha-Phonics and reading beginner reading books. I think she is doing well. When she talks to me, she likes to spell words out. She will say, "Hi m-o-m I l-o-v-e y-o-u!" She spells out other words she knows while talking to us and I think that's cute. :)
Places We are Going and People We are Seeing...
On Saturday my family and I are going to a Game night at our Knights of Columbus hall. We aren't going to play games, we are going to eat game! The only game I have ever eaten is venison and buffalo, I love buffalo. It will be interesting to see what type of food they will have for us.
My Favorite Thing This Week...
My favorite thing this week is watching our homeschool fall into place. I have read so many things about making your homeschool fit your family. I finally feel I am letting go of what I think school should be and doing what works for us. I am not totally there yet, but I think I am going in the right direction.
What's Working/Not Working For Us...
School is working for us. There are changes I want to make but I am waiting. What is not working for me is cleaning the house! I manage to get the house in semi good order by the end of the day, but I'm talking about deep cleaning. I need to do the walls, floors, fans, windows etc... I have no idea when I can get this done. I followed The Fly Lady's advice before and it worked great, it was keeping up with it that was a challenge!
Homeschool Questions/Thoughts I Have...
I am going to go back to my cleaning dilemma. I was thinking of maybe hiring someone to help me with the big cleaning of the house. I'm not sure about it yet. How do you homeschool and do all the other things that you need to do and still find the time to throughly clean your house?
A Photo to Share...
Here is one of the reasons my house doesn't stay clean. I call him my walking tornado. I guess if I'm going to have a messy house it's good to have a very cute reason.
The weather contributed to a bit more family time for us, too. Your daughter spelling out love notes to you is cute. So is your baby in that picture!
Enjoyed your post. We had a lot of snow, too...but we it's expected here & didn't stop much activity. :) I have the same issue with deep cleaning of the house-it doesn't get done. You're right-you do have a very cute reason! :) Holly
When I used to work outside of the home, I always said, "If I was a stay at home Mom, my house would be spotless!" Fast forward a bit to reality... and to me humbly eating those words. My house is no where as clean as I'd like it to be. My husband thinks it's always clean, but us women can spot surface clean a mile away ;)I do what I can, but giving my daughter a good education will come before mopping my floor any day :)
We are still getting the snow here... make it stop!!!
home and kitchens alternately indispensable to each other
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